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Historical Background of Laos


World War II to 1954 (Conflict):

The French returned to Laos. Monarchy was re-established. The Hmong took side with the French and its monarchy. The three intriguing brotherly Princes (Phetsara, Souvannaphouma, and Souphanouvong) formed different factions against the French and its monarchy. Phetsara later died.

1954 to 1975(Civil War):

The French departed in 1954. In 1960, the United States launched its CIA Secret War to attack the Ho Chi Minh Trail in northern Laos and to take the downed American pilots from North Vietnam. Some 15,000 Hmong men were recruited as soldiers to serve American interests. When the war intensified, Laos was divided into two governments: the Royal government headed by Souvannaphouma and the Pathet Lao Communist government headed by Souphanouvong. Most Hmong, numbering about 500,000, sided with Souvannaphouma; approximately 250,000 sided with Souphanouvong. The Hmong became best fighters for the Royal cause. The Vientiane Peace Treaty of 1973, a peace treaty set up by the United Nations for Laos, led to a coalition government before the United States' withdraw.

 1975 to Present(Chao Fa's War):

The Pathet Lao puppet government of Vietnam violated the Vientiane Peace Treaty of the United Nations. They signed a 25-year agreement with Vietnam to keep the 65,000 Vietnamese troops in Laos. Monarchy was overthrown. Former Royal government officials were sent to re-education camps for brain-washing and execution. The illegal occupations of Vietnam was proclaimed, and the exodus of Hmong refugees began to crowd into Thai refugee camps.

The Pathet Lao and Vietnamese openly announced their inhumane genocidal program to exterminate the Highlanders entirely, especially the Hmong. Thousands of Vietnamese and Pathet Lao troops marched to the foothills at Phoubia, the highest mountain in Laos, to exterminate the Hmong. Chao Fa's War fought, since June 8, 1975, has continued until today.


Provided by UHF(United Hmong Foundation) of Fresno, California

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