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Geographical Background of Laos



91,400 Square Miles

2/3 is mountains

1/3 is alluvial plateaus



3.5 millions

65% Highlander

35% Lowlander


Highlanders live on mountains and the Lowlanders live along the Mekong River and its tributaries.

There are more than a hundred ethnic groups in Laos. The three major groups are Khmu, Lao, and Hmong; and the rest are small tribes. The two most powerful groups are Lao, and Hmong. The Lao are Lowlander, and the Hmong are Highlander.

The Highlander favor freedom and democracy and oppose Vietnamization. The Lowlanders practice Communism and favor Vietnamization.


Information from "The Chao Fa Movement For Freedom and Democracy in Laos" provided by UHF.
United Hmong Foundation in Fresno, Ca.

All Rights Reserved © 1998