Welcome to the Official Web Site of Phooj Ywg Band


about the band

cassettes page

party dates

Our Picture Gallery

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From left to right: Lee Pao Ly (Lis Pos), Kevin Her, Paul Ly(Lis Pov), Steve Her, Jerry Her, Tim Her, Her Yang

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Posing for our flyer picture.(1998-99)
Left to right: Her Yang, Tim Her, Lisa Her, Steve Her, Kevin Her, & Jerry Her

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Taken during Fresno Hmong New Year 1999-2000

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1999-2000 Miss Hmong Beauty Pageant

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Pao and his guitar during a party.

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Jerry playing on his drums during a party.

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Kevin during the 2000 Miss Hmong

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Steve during the 2000 Miss Hmong Pageant

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Steve during a party

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Paul during 2000 Miss Hmong Pageant

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Final Four

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Pao singing to the five finalists.

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Evening Gown

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Five Finalists

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Dao Her
Miss Hmong 2000

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Dao Her in traditional Hmong clothing

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Dao in evening gown

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May Lee Her
2nd runner up

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Youa Her
1st runner up

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Serena Xiong

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Shelly Cha

Some More Pictures

Party Pix Kevin's Pix Lisa's Pix

Paul's Pix